Immigrate to UK

Plan Before Immigrate

What changes affect your Child Benefit?

child benefit

Inform HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about any alterations that could impact your Child Benefit. Failure to do so might result in receiving less than your entitled amount or potentially being overpaid, leading to repayments.

If your child:

  • Commences paid employment
  • Begins receiving Universal Credit, Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Alters their name
  • Gets married or enters a civil partnership
  • Goes missing

Report these changes to ensure accurate administration of Child Benefit.

If your child continues or stops their education.

  • Child Benefit ends on or after your child’s 16th birthday if they finish approved education or training.
  • Notify HMRC if your child remains in education/training after turning 16 or if they leave these programs later.

If your child relocates from your residence.

If your child:

Resides away from your home for either 8 consecutive weeks or more than 56 days within a 16-week span Intends to stay abroad for over 12 weeks Moves between Northern Ireland and another location Enters prison or youth custody for a period surpassing 8 weeks

Ensure to inform HMRC about these circumstances regarding your child.

If your child is admitted to a hospital or enters care.

Inform HMRC if your child stays in care or residential accommodation for over 8 weeks, or in a hospital for more than 12 weeks.

If your child undergoes a gender transition.

HMRC is typically informed automatically if your child obtains a Gender Recognition Certificate to legally change their gender. If there’s been no legal gender change, there’s no need to notify HMRC.

If child dies

Inform HMRC in the event of your child’s passing.

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